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HomeWellness5 Delicious No-Bake Desserts for Diabetes

5 Delicious No-Bake Desserts for Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is not an uncommon disease—many people undergo diabetic testing or are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes every day. Signs of type 2 diabetes can include tiredness, losing weight without a reason, feeling excessively hungry, needing to urinate all the time, having blurred vision or numb extremities, and diabetic edema.

Having a healthy diet can help you manage your symptoms. However, while being on a low-sugar diet, you’ll likely find moments when you still crave sugar. That’s when you can choose healthier dessert options, such as:

  1. 1. Chia seed pudding

    Chia pudding is quite a bit healthier than standard pudding. In fact, WebMD states that the quantity of fiber in chia seeds can actually help you manage your diabetes. Chia seed pudding, then, can be a wise dessert option. DiabetesStrong has an excellent recipe on their site that calls for mixing chia seeds with almond milk, cocoa powder, stevia, and sea salt.

  2. 2. Graham crackers with nut butter

    Nut butters contain a decent amount of protein, which can help keep you manage your sugar levels. Pair the nut butter with some graham crackers, and you’ll have a nice snack that you can even take with you on the go.

  3. 3. Angel food cake and berries

    You’ll notice a theme here with protein consumption; angel food cake also has a greater quantity of protein in it than regular cake, as it is made with more eggs. Pairing the angel food cake with some fresh berries, which are a great source of healthy sugars, just makes sense, and makes a great dessert, especially in the summertime. The protein in angel food cake may help you avoid blood sugar spikes.

  4. 4. Low sugar avocado mousse

    According to Healthline, the fat in avocados is actually quite beneficial for those who have type 2 diabetes. It is a good idea, then, to combine the avocado with a few other ingredients to whip up a nice, creamy mousse. The Big Man’s World has a wonderful recipe for avocado mousse. According to that recipe, you’ll only need avocados, cocoa powder, keto maple syrup, coconut cream or milk, a high-percentage chocolate bar, and a food processor to make a great dessert.

  5. 5. Granola and fresh fruit parfait

    Yogurt is a healthier alternative to foods like cheesecake and pies. It contains calcium and can be purchased in low or no-sugar versions. The protein in yogurt can also help with keeping your blood sugar levels in check. Make a no-sugar-added granola and fresh fruit parfait by layering low or no-sugar added yogurt with no-sugar-added granola and your choice of fresh fruit. Berries are a good option as they tend to be better for diabetics than some other higher-sugar fruits.


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