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6 Health Benefits of Wearing Sunscreen

The market is flooded with a number of sunscreen brands to choose from, each varying in their SPF levels and effective ingredients. While wearing sunscreen protects our skin against the damaging effects of the sun, there is more than just one health reason to apply sunscreen daily, without fail—even in the winter or when it is cloudy. Some of the extra advantages of using a good sunscreen are as listed:

  1. 1. Protection against UV radiation

    While a dose of vitamin D is great for your health every now and then, exposure to the sun, especially with the depleting ozone layer, puts you at risk for everything from sunburn to cancer. Applying a liberal amount of good sunscreen every day helps keep most of the effects of harmful UV rays at bay.

  2. 2. Stops premature aging

    Very few of us would say no to radiant, fresh, firm, and youthful skin. Studies show that signs of premature aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging, can be avoided with the regular use of sunscreen.

  3. 3. Reduces the risk of skin cancer

    While a golden tan may look healthy, long-term exposure to the sun to get a better tan will put you at the risk of skin cancer; an added benefit of the regular use of sunscreen is that it reduces this risk. Studies have shown that daily use of sunscreen prevents melanoma, a common skin cancer, especially among young women. A good sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 30 will protect your skin against damaging UVB rays, reducing cancer risk.

  4. 4. Reduces face blotchiness and uneven tone

    Regular usage of sunscreen can help ease irritations to sensitive skin like redness, swelling, itching, and blotchiness. It can also help keep acne and other blemishes at bay.

  5. 5. Prevents sunburn

    UV radiation causes sunburn. Not only are sunburns painful, but exposure to UVB rays makes the skin lose its natural strength as repeated sunburns cause bruises, peeling, itchiness, redness, swelling, and hives on the skin. Sunburn, especially when it is repeated, also increases your chances of developing skin cancer.

  6. 6. Improves skin moisture and elasticity

    Collagen, elastin, and keratin are the proteins that lock moisture in the skin and give it its youth and vitality. Sunscreens with titanium oxide ensure that these proteins are not damaged by exposure to the sun and help keep moisture locked into the skin. Sunscreens that also double as moisturizers and lotions are widely available on the market. This makes skin care easier and less time-consuming, keeping the skin fresh, radiant, and youthful. In the case of sensitive or dry skin, ensure that you reapply this particular kind of sunscreen often.

Wearing sunscreen daily can have numerous long-term health benefits, in addition to short-term sunburn prevention. Remember, if you are out in the sun for too long, ensure that you reapply sunscreen every two hours. Also, it should be reapplied if you are in the sun and are working out, swimming, or sweating.


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