HomeWellnessCommon Foods That Trigger Breathing Issues

Common Foods That Trigger Breathing Issues

Many people live with respiratory issues that can not only make breathing difficult, but can also quickly become a life-threatening emergency. The symptoms of health conditions like COPD, asthma, and allergies, such as coughing and shortness of breath, can be influenced by the food that you eat. These common foods are all potential triggers that could affect your ability to breathe freely if you have a lung or nasal condition:

  1. 1. Limit eggs

    Eggs are often associated with being part of a big, healthy breakfast. While they are certainly a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, they may not be the best food for everyone to eat. Egg allergies are common among both children and adults, and such an allergy can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness.

  2. 2. Opt out of cow’s milk

    Similar to eggs, milk does have important nutrients, such as vitamin D and calcium. However, you might be better off getting these nutrients from another source. Dairy products can cause increased mucus production that makes its way down into your lungs and exacerbates breathing issues. Looking into alternatives to cow’s milk, like soy, almond, or oat milk, can allow you to enjoy a similar texture and flavor without sacrificing your ability to breathe.

  3. 3. Be wary of shellfish

    People who are allergic to shellfish often have an anaphylactic reaction that includes severe respiratory distress. As such, if you have a shellfish allergy, you’ll want to avoid obvious sources of shellfish, such as crab and lobster dishes. It is also important to watch out for hidden sources that you might not think about; for instance, many sauces and salad dressings include shellfish as a possible ingredient.

  4. 4. Choose nut-free products

    Peanut and tree nut allergies are similar to shellfish in the severity with which they can cause breathing problems. For some people, a nut allergy may present as just a skin rash, but other people have much more severe reactions. Typically, nut allergies develop at an early age, but adults could also experience a late onset of allergy symptoms. Anyone who experiences difficulty breathing after eating nuts will need to seek immediate medical treatment to address their symptoms and begin allergy testing. Checking ingredient labels carefully for nuts is the safest way to avoid having this common trigger affect your breathing.

  5. 5. Know how gluten affects the body

    Gluten is often to blame for digestive issues, but it can also trigger an allergic response that makes it difficult to breathe. Gluten-sensitive individuals may find that accidentally eating products that are made from wheat can cause them to wheeze, sneeze, and experience shortness of breath. Switching to gluten-free products often clears up these issues while also helping people to alleviate digestive discomfort at the same time.


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