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Easy Snacks for Kids on the Go

Sometimes, kids are just too busy to sit down for a proper meal. While providing healthy snacks for children should be a priority, there unfortunately aren’t enough hours in the day to always be preparing wholesome, homemade snacks. While it is possible to prepare nutritious snacks for your kids, you will need some creativity and planning skills. In this article, we will look at some healthy, and portable, snacks you can make for your kids:

  1. 1. Fruit smoothies

    Not only are smoothies quick and easy to make, but they also make it easier to get your kids the nutrients they need without having to negotiate. With its sweet taste and resemblance to ice cream, most kids will eat a fruit smoothie without protest. In addition to healthy fruits, such as berries and bananas, you may want to also add a stick of celery or two; most kids won’t notice the difference and it’s a clever method to sneak a few additional nutrients into their diet. But, in the end, you want your kids to know what’s in their smoothies and start creating them themselves. Smoothies can thus serve as an excellent teaching tool, as children learn that nutritious snacks can also be delicious.

  2. 2. Trial mix

    This snack can be a simple preschool food, a plane or road trip snack, or just a snack that kids can create at home—simply mix some nuts, seeds, and dried fruit (maybe even some chocolate) in a bag and eat up! This nutritious snack contains both complex carbohydrates for immediate energy and protein for longer-lasting sustenance, muscular growth, tissue repair, and immunological health. Trail mix also contains heart-healthy fats such as poly and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are found in nuts and seeds and are beneficial for your kid.

  3. 3. Mini muffins

    Mini muffins are toddler-friendly and are a terrific snack for kids because they’re made with simple fruit and can also be packed with vegetables and essential grains. They make an excellent healthy dessert for school lunches and are a great clean and compact snack for on-the-go.

  4. 4. Apple slices and cheese cubes

    You can make a quick grab-and-go snack by combining a basic sliced apple with cheese cubes. Apples, which are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, and cheese, which is high in protein, satisfy both sweet and savory desires and result in a tasty and nutritious snack when combined.

  5. 5. Energy balls

    Kids will love energy balls because they are tasty, filling, and commonly made with ingredients kids love, such as peanut butter and chocolate chips. These snacks are high in fiber and have a satisfying blend of protein, excellent carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Depending on the components, each ball has between 100 and 250 calories. Energy balls are also convenient and don’t make much of a mess, making them the ideal nutritious on-the-go snack for kids.


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