HomeBeautyHelpful Tips to Make Fragrances Last Longer

Helpful Tips to Make Fragrances Last Longer

Fragrances are a form of art that comes with an inherent expiration date. Women mainly wear fragrances, like Marc Jacobs Daisy and Versace Bright Crystal, to make them feel sensual and confident. Whether you have a $1,000 fragrance or a mass-market one, the result is the same: your scent is bound to dissipate after two to three hours. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are ways you can improve your perfume’s longevity and even help it last indefinitely:

  1. 1. Exfoliate and moisturize your skin

    Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so it makes sense to take care of it first. Scrub your skin with a gentle facial scrub, then moisturize using a multi-purpose moisturizer. It ensures that the product you’re about to put on will adhere more quickly and not just sit on top of your skin.

  2. 2. Know different types of perfume, and they’re staying power

    Understanding perfumes is essential. You need to understand how they differ and work before determining which one to use. For example, some fragrances are powdery in scent, while others have a more creamy or floral scent. Others are citrus or floral-based, while others lean towards muskier scents. It can help you decide on the right kind of perfume for you or your loved ones.

  3. 3. Spritz your hairbrush and clothing

    After applying your perfume, spritz your hairbrush. The aroma will stay on the brush, and you can use it to style your hair. Also, spray your clothes after applying them to your body to make them last even longer. It will mix with the scent of your perfume, making a more complex and lasting scent than either could produce by themselves.

  4. 4. Apply petroleum jelly to your pulse points

    Before you apply your perfume, apply a small dab of petroleum jelly or olive oil on your pulse points (such as the wrists and behind the ears). It will act as a barrier between your skin and the perfume, preventing it from fading away too quickly.

  5. 5. Don’t rub your wrists together

    It is considered a no-no in perfumery, but there are times when you need to rub your wrists together. When you do, it mingles the scent of your perfume with your skin oils, breaking it down so the scent will disappear much faster. Instead, rub scent on your pulse points as indicated above.

Making your fragrances last longer can be tricky, especially if you don’t know what. But these simple tips can help you get the most out of your favorite scents. You won’t have to worry about perfume going to waste or looking for a replacement anytime soon. Take the time to follow these tips, and you can rest assured that your fragrance will be around for a long time to come.


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