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HomeLivingNatural Remedies to Fight Fleas and Ticks

Natural Remedies to Fight Fleas and Ticks

There are several natural remedies to get rid of ticks and fleas. Fleas can cause itching and upset your cat or dog’s immune system. Ticks can carry diseases to dogs and cats. They can also cause your pet’s coat to become thin and their skin red from many bites, leading to infection, anemia, and other health issues. It is essential to get rid of both ticks and fleas as soon as possible before they infest your home. Here are some effective natural remedies for fleas and ticks:

  1. 1. Rosemary

    Rosemary is one of the best herbs for flea and tick prevention. When using rosemary as a flea repellant, it’s best to make a mixture of rosemary and water. Moisten your dog’s bedding and coat with the mix before allowing your dog to lay in its bed. Once dried, sprinkle a second layer over your dog’s body. This way, rosemary’s soothing aroma will help keep fleas away from your pup.

  2. 2. Catnip

    Catnip is one of the best natural home remedies to remove fleas and ticks. The catnip leaves can be steeped in water, strained, and then rubbed over your pet’s coat. The liquid can also be rubbed directly on the skin to eliminate fleas and ticks.

  3. 3. Chamomile

    Chamomile is one of the most popular herbs used to remedy flea and tick infestations. It works by soothing irritated skin, which allows it to relieve itching and reduce inflammation and create an inhospitable environment for ticks and fleas, who can’t survive without their host’s blood. Chamomile has also been shown to act as an insect repellent, making it a great choice if you want to use natural remedies instead of pet store products. When using it as a remedy for your pet, you should only use the flowers and not the leaves.

  4. 4. Fleawort or plantain

    Fleawort, or plantain, are natural fleas and tick removers. They’re used to make an infusion, which you can add to your pet’s bath water. If your pet likes to roll around in the grass and then come inside, you can also apply the infusion directly to your pet’s coat.

  5. 5. Lavender

    Lavender seems to be the most effective natural remedy for fleas and ticks. Add a few drops of lavender oil to your dog’s bathwater and shampoo your pet. The oil will kill both adult fleas and ticks and their eggs and larvae. You can also rub a little lavender oil on your hand, let it absorb into the skin, then pet your dog so that his or her coat takes on the oil. In addition to these natural remedies, you may also want to try hanging sachets made from dried lavender around your home or tuck them under pillows on sofas in bedrooms where pets sleep so that they’ll inhale the aroma as they rest there at night.

The list is pretty short, and the methods are relatively simple. What is most interesting about all of these herbal remedies, though, is that there are so many of them that can help. This means that there is something for everyone, and you can have your pick of many different things to try. None of these will kill off all the fleas on your pet overnight. Talk to your veterinarian prior to trying any DIY flea and tick remedies.


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