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Safe Human Foods for Cats and Dogs

Feeding cats and dogs human food is something that many pet owners do without a second thought. However, this can be dangerous. Not only can feeding human foods to cats and dogs trigger allergies and/or lead to obesity, but they can also be deadly in some cases as well. The good news is that the following human foods are safe for cats and dogs:

  1. 1. Skinless chicken

    One human food that’s safe for cats and dogs is skinless chicken. Unlike other forms of fatty meats that can inflame your pet’s pancreas over time, the low-fat nature of chicken makes it a much better choice than meats such as beef and pork. The chicken should be fully cooked, preferably by boiling or steaming, and all bones should be removed to prevent choking. Seasoning is typically not a good idea, as it will just add needless sodium and your pet will enjoy the chicken just fine without it.

  2. 2. Eggs

    Eggs are a great food for cats and dogs since they contain many vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids. Their high protein content is also great for your pets. That said, you should not feed your pet more than one egg a day. You’ll also need to cook the eggs as well. Fried, scrambled, or hard boiled, any method works. Though the shell is very nutritious itself, it should not be fed to pets since it could be a choking hazard.

  3. 3. Fish

    Cats and dogs love to eat fish and it’s good for them in limited quantities. The amount of fish you feed your pet and how often it is depends on the type of fish. Fish with higher mercury content, such as tuna, should be fed sparingly. Fish with lower amounts of mercury can be fed to your pets more often, but should also not be overdone. The fish should be fully cooked, deboned, and should not have any additional seasoning or oils.

  4. 4. Cucumber

    While both cats and dogs can eat cucumber, this is more of a dog thing since cats are almost exclusively carnivores by nature. Raw cucumber slices are a great snack for pets who enjoy them because cucumbers contain very few calories and have high water content. Mixing diced cucumber bit in with your pet’s regular food is also an option. Just be aware that your cat may be afraid of a whole unsliced cucumber because they remind them of snakes.

  5. 5. Broccoli

    Broccoli is another food that’s great for cats and dogs. In this case, it’s because broccoli has lots of antioxidants in it. If your pet is resistant to eating broccoli, you can try mixing it into their regular food. Also, cooking the broccoli via steaming or boiling may make it more palatable for your pet as well. Just remember to cut the broccoli into small pieces to prevent choking or intestinal blockage.

Feeding your pets human food can be fun and nutritious, but should never be done carelessly, and always in moderation. Knowing which foods are safe and how to prepare them will help you to give your pet a tasty treat that they enjoy and that you won’t have to worry about. If you’re unsure, please consult with your veterinary health professional.


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