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HomeTechThe Top Differences Between Robot vs. Push Vacuums

The Top Differences Between Robot vs. Push Vacuums

Vacuuming can be a chore that no one wants to do; it’s often tiring and leaves us with sore arms or backs. If vacuuming is your least favorite chore, you could opt for a robot vacuum cleaner that will do the hard work for you, saving you time and energy. However, classic push vacuums also have their own benefits. Let’s look at the various pros and cons of robot vs push vacuums:

  1. 1. Ease of operation

    Compared to push vacuums, robot vacuums stand out in terms of ease of operation. As the name suggests, robot vacuums do not require manual handling. As a result, you can rest your back from the tedious task of vacuuming manually. One of the best things about robot vacuums is that they can clean your home even if you are not around. Your robot vacuum can be programmed to start vacuuming on a particular day or at a particular time. Some models even have WiFi connectivity, allowing you to control them remotely from your mobile device.

  2. 2. Power

    The suction power of a robot vacuum cleaner is significantly lower when compared to push vacuums. Because of their compact size, robot vacuums can’t create as much suction, and so might not offer as thorough of a clean. Even top-end robot vacuums that go for $800 USD have low suction compared to a $100 push vacuum. As a result, a robot vacuum isn’t as suitable for deep cleaning carpets. In comparison, push vacuums come with better torque, allowing you to deep clean any floor.

  3. 3. Price

    Even a low-end robot vacuum that retails for around $150-200 USD is pricey. You can purchase a top-end push vacuum from a branded company with the same budget. On the other hand, high-end robot vacuums retail between $800-1000 USD, which may not be affordable for everyone. What’s more, a push vacuum lasts, on average, about 8 years, whereas a robot vacuum generally lasts for 4 to 6 years, though there are ways to extend the lifespan. Therefore, it is important to evaluate how much value you place on convenience when deciding if you are willing to invest in a robot vacuum.

  4. 4. Purpose

    If you have pets at home, frequent vacuuming is necessary for keeping pet dander and hair at bay, especially if you or any of your family or friends have allergies. A push vacuum can thoroughly remove pet hair from carpets. However, a robot vacuum offers convenient and regular vacuuming to keep your home consistently clean.

Robot and push vacuums both have their pros and cons. Depending on your house and lifestyle, you might consider either option as better. When you know the differences between robot and push vacuums, you can evaluate your needs and decide which one suits your requirements.


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