HomeWellnessThe Worst Foods for Joint Pain

The Worst Foods for Joint Pain

Joint pain is a widespread problem that can be caused by numerous conditions. Osteoarthritis, in which joint cartilage breaks down and leads to pain and dysfunction, is one of the more insidious conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three people over the age of 50 experience arthritis. Other than arthritis, however, research has also found that lifestyle habits and diet can increase the risk of joint pain. Here are the 7 worst foods for joint pain:

  1. 1. Processed baked goods

    Many people are unaware that certain, common ingredients might cause joint pain. For example, processed baked goods, like bagels, muffins, and fast foods, contain sugars that break down in a process called glycation. Glycation causes the formation of toxic byproducts when sugar reacts with collagen. This process can lead to joint problems, including joint swelling, severe pains, and arthritis.

  2. 2. Omega-6 fatty acids

    Arachidonic acid is a type of omega-6 fatty acid that is present in certain types of meat and fish, as well as in certain types of vegetable oils, like soybean oil and canola oil. The body converts arachidonic acid into inflammatory metabolites called prostaglandins that increase joint inflammation.

  3. 3. Fried food

    Fried foods—such as french fries, fried chicken, and other fried snacks—are often loaded with trans fats. Trans fats are formed when hydrogen is added to a fatty acid, causing fats to become solid at room temperature. Unfortunately, hydrogen is also what makes trans fats highly inflammatory and able to cause joint pain.

  4. 4. Sugar

    Sugar and specific sugar alternatives (such as coconut sugar or agave nectar) can be bad for your joints. There are many types of sugar, including fructose, sucrose, glucose, and others. Regardless of the type of sugar you consume, however, it is common for the body to break down sugars into glucose, which the body can metabolize. In this form, sugar can cause inflammation in joints and contribute to joint pain.

  5. 5. Red meat

    Certain types of red meat are high in saturated fat, which can increase inflammation in the body and can, therefore, also cause joint pain. To combat joint inflammation and pain, try incorporating a “meatless Monday” into your diet—studies show that eschewing red meat for plant based protein just one day a week can help reduce inflammation and joint pain.

  6. 6. Cheese and high-fat dairy

    Cheese and fatty dairy products are often high in sodium and sugar, which can cause fluid retention and inflammation. They’re also often high in saturated fat, which is responsible for increasing LDL cholesterol (aka “bad cholesterol”) in your blood and which has been linked with increased joint damage.

  7. 7. Alcohol

    Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it leads to increased urination and dehydration. Dehydration is a common cause of joint pain, especially among people with diabetes. Alcohol also depletes your cells of essential minerals like zinc, potassium, and magnesium, which are responsible for regulating nerve impulses throughout the body. When nerve impulses aren’t well regulated, you can experience more pain.


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